[고객에게 질문하기]
Welcome to Eifelmaar hair beauty shop. How are you today? My name is Eifel..
Nice to meet you. Nice to meet you too.
Are you a new client? 처음 오셨나요?
May I ask your name? 성함이 어떻게 되시나요?
What kind of style do you want? 어떤 스타일을 해드릴까요?
How can we help you today? 어떻게 해드릴까요?
Dou you want the same style (perm, cut, color) as last time. 전번 스타일과 같이 해드릴까요?
Cut, Perm, Coloring ?
Who is your stylist? 담당디자이너가 누구죠?
Do you have a hair designer?
Dou you want any particular stylist? 특별히 원하는 디자이너가 있어요?
Anyone good will be fine. 누구나 좋아요.
We are a little bit busy. Would you be able to wait. 좀 바쁘네요. 조금만 기다려 주시겠어요.
How long is the wait? 얼마나 기다려야 되죠?
About 30 minutes. I'll be with you soon, Is that OK?
I'll be with you in about 15 minutes. 15분 후에 해드리겠습니다.
Thanks for your waiting. Follow me. Please come this way. 이쪽으로 오세요
Please take a seat. 자리에 앉으세요.
Your stylist will be with you in a moment. 잠시 후에 스타일리스트가 올것입니다.
Let me introduce you to your stylist, This is Maar. 마르를 소개해 드리겠습니다.
Maar will be your stylist from now on.
My name is Maar. I'll be your stylist.
Nice to meet you.
This is my apprentice (assistant) Min. She'll be helping me today.
What kind of perm will suit me? 어떤 펌이 제게 어울릴까요?
I really want the latest style. 요즘 유행하는 스타일로 해주세요.
Can you please recommend a good style? 스타일 추천해 주시겠어요?
Please can I have a bob style? 보보 스타일로 해주세요
I'd like the one in this picture. 이 사진처럼 해주세요
I'd like this perm with picture.
I was thinking about a shaggy cut. What do you think?
Can I recommend a style to you? 제가 추천해드릴까요?
Would you like to look at style book? 스타일북을 보시겠어요?
This is our services list (style book, price list, client services portfolio, list of services)
We have tow kind of straight perm, the magic straight and the volume magic straight.
The Volume magic straight has more body than the magic straight, It is also more expensive.
볼륨매직은 윤기가 나고 좀 비쌉니다.
What kind of perm do you have. 어떤 종류의 펌이 있습니까?
There are two kind of perm. One is with regular rollers and one with electronic rollers.
For roller perm there are three settings.
The roller perm prices vary, depending upon the products required for you
롤펌 가격은 퍼머제가 모발에 미치는 손상에 따라 가격차이가 있습니다.
For roller perm there are 3 types, the wood perm, the shaggy perm and the special roller perm.
I was thinking about a shaggy cut. What dou you think?
The style is great. It will suit you. 스타일이 잘 어울리네요.
OK. I think that will suit you. 고객님과 잘 어울리시겠어요.
It won't be exactly the same as the picture, but it'll be similar.
이 펌을 하셔도 사진처럼 되지는 않아요. 하지만 최대한 비스사게 해드리겠습니다.
How long will it take? 얼마나 오래 걸리죠?
About 2 hours
Sure, Please take your Hairpin out. 알겠습니다. 머리핀을 빼주세요.
When did you have your last perm? 언제 마지막으로 펌하셨어요?
How long have you had this style? 머리를 시술하신지 얼마나 되셨어요?
About 8 months ago
I'll remove your rollers in 20 minutes. 20분 후에 롤을 제거해 드리겠습니다.
Would you like another magazine? 다른 잡지책 가져다 드릴까요?
Yes, that would be great. 예 가져다 주세요.
Your hair needs softening first. 먼저 연화를 해드리겠습니다.
Your hair is very natural. It needs to be softened.
천년모이기 때문에 연화를 해야 겠습니다.
I'II apply some serum treatment. 중화해드리겠습니다.
This serum will stop your perm form dropping. 중화는 웨이브를 풀리지 않게 합니다.
Don't shampoo tomorrow. 내일은 샴프를 하지 마세요.
If you really want to wash your hair, just use a conditioner. 머리를 감고싶다면 컨디셔너로만 해주세요.
If you shampoo, your curl will drop out quickly. 샴프를 하시면 머리가 빨리 풀립니다.
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